Oedipus on the road, is inspired by the reading of a compelling novel by Henry Bauchau, Just like its protagonist, I found myself carving an olive root uprooted from an ancient garden. At that time I sculpted and carved any material I had in my hands, eager to rediscover the memory of an experience lived through a “tactile memory”. A reassuring sensation shared with those who no longer have the gift of sight but who through touching discovers the mysteries that the form contains. Oedipus, unaware victim of his own destiny, is depicted old and blind, his hair and wooden beard give him an authoritative and severe aspect. A clear warning to the acceptance of his fate through an expiatory journey that will lead him to a decent end.
The tragic mask depicts the mythological character’s torment. The perforated eyes, the interwoven and twisted hair (highlighting the roots) and the almost monstrous expression contrasts with the warm and elegant briarwood surface which is a symbol of the ancient mediterranean civilizations.

I sculpted Placida in 1992 in the beautiful white limestone from Caltabellotta. The head is 41 cm. high x 31cm x 35 cm.
The head is part of a group of stone sculptures called “Caltabellotta Stones”. The polished and serene face is in sharp contrast to its stony and wavy hair, which gives grace and harmony to the creative effort.