As far as I can remember, I always kept a pencil in my hands and draw on every piece of paper, I could find – which is still so!. Born in Palermo in Sicily in a normal worker family nothing could let me foresee a career as an artist. But the urge of creating beauty around me and to interpret and tell about life, as I saw it, made me choose first the artistic high school in Palermo and afterwards the academy of fine art.
Already in my first years I made quite a few exhibitions preferring sculpturing to the other kinds of art. I also discovered to be a quite valiant teacher and therefore I sought a job in the artistic high school in Palermo, where I still am today surrounded by talented students in an inspiring atmosphere. I teach them – but especially they teach me, keeping the mind young and receptive.
Some years ago I met my present companion of life, who turned out to be half danish. After some time we got the occasion to buy a big old village school in Denmark with a huge luminous classroom, where the 20-30 children of the small village divided in 5 classes in the far past all studied together.
This choice gave impulse to new life and new space to my art works. On Stevns, the region in Denmark where we are, there is a solid community of artists working together, getting inspiration one from the other and once a year (in the last weekend of August) all open the doors to their ateliers. Being only 60 km from Copenhagen many visitors and tourists show up during these two days – also an occasion for a visit to a beautiful rural area with many new restaurants offering genuine Nordic food.
So you will find me in Denmark during the summer months and during shorter periods in winter. The rest of the time I spend enjoying the wonderful winter climate in Sicily with my students and in the afternoons continuing to produce art works in my Sicilian atelier in via Florio.
So if you happen to be in one of these two places come and see me and my works. Call me on +39 335 5987775 for an appointment.